DDP houses
How much rice can 30 students eat in one month? In our Kampot DDP house, the students eat through 8-10 bags (like the one pictured above) in just one month. DDP operates three hostels, known as DDP houses, in Kampot and Kampong Cham for our Basic Education students and in Phnom Penh for the Job Training participants. Many of our students and Job Training participants live outside the city so the hostel makes it possible for them to study. There are house parents at the hostel that monitor 24/7 and also assist in meal planning, chore delegation, homework help, and facilitating extra curricular activities for the residents. The students also help with meal preparation, purchasing food at the market, and keeping the place clean.

Students are all responsible for doing their own laundry, a common chore after school.

Each student is provided with a bicycle to assist in getting to and from school.

Students in Kampong Cham preparing dinner. They assist both in meal planning and preparations.

The students are divided into teams that rotate through meal prep and other chores.

The student that grinds the spices gets the best work-out of the night.
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