Together we can grow stronger
“Together, we can grow stronger” was the closing message of our Interpreting Workshop last week. The Deaf in attendance had the opportunity to share some of their hopes for the future of the interpreting profession in Cambodia. Some things were simple, like interpreters knowing where to stand and always signing if there is a Deaf person in the room so that they, too, can fully participate. There were hopes for more professional training for interpreters, and more interpreters. One very important comment was that interpreters will strive to always see themselves as equals to the Deaf and not see the Deaf as someone who is less than that must be helped. And, the Deaf in attendance expressed a great desire for access to more information – such as newspapers and magazines. Because education has been limited for many Deaf individuals, literacy is an additional challenge for our Deaf community, which means interpreters are key conduits for information reaching the Deaf community.

In small groups, workshop participants discussed what they hoped to see in future workshops

These two received the award for best body movement when using gestures (as Rey is demonstrating)

Our four presenters from the Philippines with Cambodian kramas from the workshop participants

And, last but not least, each participant received a certificate for completing the training
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